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Personal Information

  • Name: Weiqing Liu
  • Email: [email protected]
  • GitHub: 14790897
  • Technical Stack: Vue, JavaScript, Python, Java, Docker, Linux, PyQt5

Project Experience

Project One (Open Source): CookiesClerk

  • Time: August 2023 - November 2023
  • Description: This is a Google browser plugin for logging into multiple accounts on the same website simultaneously.
  • Skills Used: Built the plugin interface with Vue, used Javascript and Google browser plugin API to complete cookies switching and saving functions, implemented cookies saving, loading, deleting, opening multiple website accounts simultaneously, and smartly matching domain names to switch cookies.

Project Two (Open Source): Handwriting-Web

  • Time: June 2023 - December 2023
  • Description: A web version that converts text into simulated handwriting.
  • Skills Used: Built the web interface with Vue, used Python’s Flask as the backend processing, implemented multiple APIs such as generating handwriting, extracting text from Word/pdf documents, getting all file fonts on the server, recognizing the style of user-uploaded images, deployed using Docker Compose, and used Nginx in Docker to handle frontend page returns and backend API request forwarding.

Project Three (Open Source): Nighttime-Wisdom-Star

  • Time: May 2023 - June 2023
  • Description: This is an application that uses the idle quota of GPT-4 to process user questions at night.
  • Skills Used: Built dialogue, login and registration pages with Vue, used WebSocket to handle backend real-time completed dialogue requests, implemented server push messages, saved user input requests during the day to the database, then used a special API to request the chatgpt webpage at night to get processing results, saved to the database, and when the user visited the next day, the program could read the processing results from the database. Demo account 123 password 123.

Project Four: Chemical Modeling Software

  • Time: January 2023 - April 2023
  • Description: Improved a chemical modeling software built with PyQt5 and Python.
  • Skills Used: On the basis of the existing software, I added the function of combining different molecules, added the operation of molecules such as rotation and translation, added a command line to input shortcut instructions to create molecules, details can be seen in the paper (https://www.liuweiqing.life/lifestyle/%E8%AE%BA%E6%96%87/)

Project Five: Java Community Forum Development

  • Time: October 2023 - December 2024
  • Description: Second development of the symphony community forum
  • Skills Used: Used freemaker frontend and java backend to reconstruct the article list page, used a timer to update mysql database data from a specific API every day, added invitation data writing to mysql database and generating invitation QR code function on the original invitation code function.


  • 2019-2023: Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Applied Chemistry
  • 2023-2026: Shanghai Normal University, Computer Science and Technology (quite idle, the school didn’t teach much, don’t want to read, but considering a diploma)

Other Achievements

  • Passed the computer postgraduate entrance examination, postgraduate computer score 108/150, English 78/100
  • Passed CET-6 (College English Test Band 6)



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